Devotional Votive Candle Stand with Battery-Power

Devotional Votive Candle Stand with Battery-Power

$300.00 /Each.
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Simplicity and beauty of a candle combined with the advantages of a secure light.
This Devotional Prayer Candle System operates on power, but does not require a wall outlet. This extremely efficient LED system uses rechargeable batteries which discretely slip into hidden compartment in the table frame. This way you can place the Devotional Prayer Candle System anywhere you like, and it is ready to be used any time. As soon as you place an LED candle on one of the induction pods, the hidden induction core is energized and the candle flickers without a flame.

No Mess or Smoke
No Wax
Save Electromagnetic Induction
Extremely Efficient and Reusable
Ecologically Ideal

Available in the following configurations:
A.        60 light Votive Stand                               $5,450.00          
        30 light Votive Stand                               $3,175.00       
12 pack of LED replacement candles         $300.00
D.        Rechargeable Battery Kit                           $700.00